On December 20, 2019, our first grandson was born. Alicia and Mel named him Myles Valor Payne, or MVP for short. We became Mimi and Papi Dodo. Since he lives within a mile of our house, we see him often. Madeline began watching him a couple of times a week, but then the pandemic hit. It gave his parents more time with him, but we had less time. Once Alicia went back to work, we watched him even more. His personality really came out, and he loved to come over to Mimi & Papi’s house. Here are pictures in his first year.

Myles: 1st Year

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Our grandson, Myles

At the hospital


First time at WDW

Hate the quarantine


Mother’s Day

6 months old


Can he get any cuter?


At the beach

He really didn’t like pumpkins

First Christmas

First New Year’s


Christmas card photos taken on Thanksgiving Day