It turns out that Lillie was pregnant at Emma’s wedding, but she wasn’t that far along and she didn’t want to take any thunder away from her sister, so we didn’t find out until a few weeks later. Sandi then indicated that there would be a baby shower for her in August, so we thought that was a good enough excuse to go up to Indiana again.

Greensburg—Aug 2022

Text Box: Home page


Text Box: Return to the Midwest

On Friday after we landed in Indy, we went to Mark & Sandi’s house and saw their beautiful basement. They set up a huge bar with multiple televisions. On Saturday, we spent most of the day with Mom & Dad, watching game shows on TV. We took them out to dinner at the new steakhouse and then we just took a walk through Decatur County Park. We ended up on the golf course, which was kind of fun for me. Sunday, we went to church with Mom & Dad and then the baby shower occurred at Sandi’s house.